
CrAL Project Leaflet

The leaflet promotes project aims, objectives, activities, and outcomes. It is available in 6 languages (English, Croatian, Greek, Italian, Lithuanian and Spanish) and two formats (format for digital communication and format for printing).

Leaflet format for digital communication (all languages)

Leaflet format for printing (all languages)

The training course instructional document (O2.1) is a fundamental tool for the adaptation and upscaling of the methodology “Creative Audiovisual Writing and Reading” developed as a result of the research carried out within the Laboratory of Image and Creative Writing held at the University “La Sapienza” of Rome by Annio Gioacchino Stasi and Mery Tortolini. It is addressed to the partners who pilot the methodology in each country, but also to other organisations interested in testing the methodology in their own context.
It is developed in English and translated in Italian, Spanish, Greek, Croatian and Lithuanian.
Special emphasis is put on the structure of the blended course for teachers and trainers, where the instructional design model is explained. The methodology “Creative Audiovisual Writing and Reading” is also provided. Ten modules grouped in four sections are defined. The learning outcomes, learning materials and assignments are detailed. The document includes a proposed schedule for carrying out the face-to-face training activities.
The main learning outcomes of the Creative Audiovisual Lab have an impact on both teacher and students.
• acquire an innovative methodology based on audiovisual education which can be integrated into their daily work with students
• learn how to channel students’ creativity into a process of self-awareness, construction of their own identity and role in the society
• acquire transversal skills to foster inclusive and constructive group dynamics, essential for the creation of a collective artistic product
• Improve or acquired digital skills

• acquire technical and transversal skills needed to produce audiovisual content
• become active players in the production of media content on selected topics
• acquire skills such as active communication, collaboration, creativity, problem solving, critical thinking and self-confidence
• acquire greater awareness of themselves and their social context and self-confidence
• understand the potential of audiovisual language as a tool for interpreting the world around them and artistic expression.

The instructional document can be downloaded here:

O2.1 Training course instructional document English

O2.1 Training course instructional document Italian

O2.1 Training course instructional document Greek

O2.1 Training course instructional document Spanish

O2.1 Training course instructional document Croatian

O2.1 Training course instructional document Lithuanian

The training materials produced for the course are mainly video lessons developed and recorded by the partners, interviews with role models, additional reading materials, and assignments. They are uploaded on the project platform and available for free use.

The CrAL Online Platform contains CrAL educators’ training modules content. It also hosts the CrAL community of practice (teachers, trainers, parents, and local community members) and showcases the audiovisual content (films) developed by the young people during the pilot action.

The piloting guidelines contain all the steps necessary to apply the CrAL methodology at the local level with selected teachers, trainers, and young people. They define how to select participants, how to train teachers and trainers, how to set up the workshops for young people, how to involve the local community, the main content of the methodology, and how to perform the evaluation. They are publicly available to organisations potentially interested in applying the CrAL methodology. THE PILOTING GUIDELINES:

During their participation in the Creative Audiovisual Lab, young people produced audiovisual contents (films) that are showcased on the CrAL platform. They were projected locally at dedicated events, and participated in the national and international video contests. These films are available here:

This report summarises the experience from the Creative Audiovisual Labs in schools and non-formal educational settings. It contains lessons learned from the experimentation.

Impact Assessment Report_ENG

This document follows the Impact Assessment report and summarises the experience with a view to providing policy recommendations based on it. ENGLISH VERSION CROATIAN VERSION SPANISH VERSION LITHUANIAN VERSION: GREEK VERSION: ITALIAN VERSION: