between looking at reality vs. seeing reality?
the conflicts they represent is the first step
to creating your story.
and transforms reality into a narrative.
helps develop a deeper social understanding
and finding one's own identity.

About the project

The aim of the project is to enhance critical thinking and media literacy among young people between 14-19 years old, parents, and educational staff. This contributed to providing young people with the tools they need to understand the world they live in, stimulate their critical thinking and sense of responsibility, and help them realise the power of their voice.
The project applied and scaled up the Italian good practice “Creative audio-visual writing and reading”, developed as a result of the research carried out within the Laboratory of Image and Creative Writing held at the University “La Sapienza” of Rome by Annio Gioacchino Stasi and Mery Tortolini, to five different education systems and contexts – Croatia, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, and Spain.
Firstly, partners adapted the good practice “Creative audio-visual writing and reading” to their contexts and design the model for setting up Creative Audiovisual Labs.
Secondly, they trained educators (teachers and trainers) to implement the Creative Audiovisual Labs. This happened through a blended course consisting of 10 modules covering technical, digital, and creative skills.
Finally, trained teachers and trainers set up Creative Audiovisual Labs and work with their students. Students produced films on selected topics such as migration, tolerance, and other topics that are interesting to them and important in today’s society.
Project partners
CrAL – Creative Audiovisual Lab for the promotion of critical thinking and media literacy brings together seven partners from six countries (Belgium, Italy, Spain, Greece, Croatia and Lithuania) with complementary expertise in research, education and training, and network cooperation.
The CrAL platform hosts the online training course for teachers and trainers. It also has a dedicated space where the audiovisual materials produced by the students is showcased, and supports the establishment of the community of practice.
Latest News & Blogs

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Critical thinking is a crucial skill for students to develop, as it empowers them to analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information. Here are several reasons why

Three reasons why you should join the CrAL Platform
Welcome to the CrAL Platform – a dedicated space for educators and school communities. Here are three reasons why you should check out the platform

CrAL policy recommendations – to be published soon
Project partners are in the final stages of preparation of CrAL policy recommendations. Here is a sneak-peak in the coming documents which is an important

The end of the CrAL project implementation in Croatia
In September 2023, the final event of the Creative Audiovisual Lab project was held in Rijeka, where the best national video story created as part