The CrAL project soon start the blended course for teachers

The CrAL project partners are preparing for the pilot phase in which teachers and trainers will learn about the methodology of “creative audiovisual writing and reading” and then experience it with their students. First, we start with the blended course for teachers and trainers which will last 3 months. 60 selected teachers from five countries […]
Our Training Course Instructional document is published!

The Instructional document for teachers is the main tool for adapting and upscaling the methodology “Creative Audiovisual Writing and Reading”, developed in Italy over the past 30 years. It is for CrAL partners who will soon pilot the methodology, but also for any other organization interested in it. The authors of the methodology are Annio […]
Thinking through images: A story of ten lessons by Annio Gioacchino Stasi

In this blogpost, we take a deeper look at the ten video lessons at the heart of the audiovisual and film literacy training course we are preparing for teachers in September. While enjoying your summer holidays, we invite you to read the story of the CrAL (Creative Audiovisual Labs) course told by its author and instructor […]
CrAL presented to teachers in Rijeka

On Friday, April 22nd, the Center of Technical Culture Rijeka presented the methodology of the CrAL project in Rijeka, in front of thirty professors and representatives of non-governmental organizations from the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County. As part of the presentation of the methodology, the participants were briefly introduced to the CrAL project, as well as its […]
The Training of Tutors from the perspective of DAISSy HOU. What’s next?

The CrAL Tutors’ team of the DAISSy Research Group of the Hellenic Open University (HOU) participated at the Creative Audiovisual Lab (CrAL) Training of Tutors on May 23, 24 and 25th. DAISSy’s tutors were among the 25 tutors from Italy, Spain, Belgium, Greece, Croatia and Lithuania who were trained by the experts in audiovisual writing and […]
Why critical thinking?

Critical thinking is a rich concept that has been developing throughout the past 2,500 years. In this article, we will offer a few definitions of critical thinking which together form a trans-disciplinary conception of this term. Critical thinking is the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, and evaluating information gathered from […]
CrAL methodology, media literacy and critical thinking

The CrAL project team is working diligently on a methodology that will soon be completed and translated to make it available to the general public. While you are eagerly waiting to see what the project consortium has prepared, we offer you some “warming up” through a few educational videos below. Media literacy, as a key […]
Project CrAL presented to the educators community in Lithuania

Project partner association “Langas į ateitį” had an excellent opportunity to present CrAL project at the international conference for educators’ community ALTA’21 “Advanced Learning Technologies and Applications. From Distance to Hybrid Learning” which was held online on 1st December 2021. The traditional annual conference is organized by National Association of Distance Education and Faculty of […]
CrAL project in a nutshell – information leaflet about the project now available

While we are busy developing training materials for implementation of the Creative Audiovisual Writing and Reading methodology and CrAL Online Platform (it will be launched in December 2021) we also prepared a leaflet that presents the project in a nutshell. It explains what challenges of Generation Z we want to tackle with the CrAL project […]
From the idea to the Creative Audiovisual Writing and Reading workshops

The CrAL project is based on the good practice “Creative audiovisual writing and reading”, which was developed by our partner Istituto Centrale per i Beni sonori ed audiovisivi (ICBSA) and has already been experimented in Italy. In this blogpost, our partners from ICBSA will tell you more about the work and process behind the development of this methodology. […]