The CrAL Tutors’ team of the DAISSy Research Group of the Hellenic Open University (HOU) participated at the Creative Audiovisual Lab (CrAL) Training of Tutors on May 23, 24 and 25th. DAISSy’s tutors were among the 25 tutors from Italy, Spain, Belgium, Greece, Croatia and Lithuania who were trained by the experts in audiovisual writing and reading Annio Gioacchino Stasi and Mery Tortolini. The three-day Training of Trainers was a live event and was hosted by the Autonomous University of Barcelona.
During these three days, the 25 tutors had the chance to familiarise themselves with and better understand the audio-visual writing and reading methodology through the deeper analysis of the theoretical content and the narrative audiovisual content as well as their practical involvement in the creation of the educational material.
The tutors underlined the role of images as a means of providing experiences that help understanding reality and culture. They pointed out the urgent need of the youngsters in secondary education to obtain media literacy education as media affects their daily lives, viewpoints and thoughts. They agreed that applying audiovisual media education through the innovative methodology of the Creative audiovisual writing and reading will help students to possess sufficient knowledge about the real world and the way the audiovisual content is produced by the media, to analyse audiovisual content (Images, films), to make effective interpretations, to critically evaluate it and develop the ability to create it.
After the Training of Tutors, the 25 European tutors will communicate the methodology developed by the two experts Annio Gioacchino Stasi and Mery Tortolini to teachers from all the countries participating in the project, and support them in implementing it in the classroom with their students. The teachers will encourage media literate youngsters and will help them become role models of their ideas and inclusivity perspectives all over the world!
So, the CrAL – Creative Audiovisual Lab for the promotion of critical thinking and media literacy – is starting to create the CrAL European Community of Practice!