The CrAL project soon start the blended course for teachers
The CrAL project partners are preparing for the pilot phase in which teachers and trainers will learn about the methodology of “creative audiovisual writing and reading” and then experience it with their students. First, we start with the blended course for teachers and trainers which will last 3 months. 60 selected teachers from five countries […]
Our Training Course Instructional document is published!
The Instructional document for teachers is the main tool for adapting and upscaling the methodology “Creative Audiovisual Writing and Reading”, developed in Italy over the past 30 years. It is for CrAL partners who will soon pilot the methodology, but also for any other organization interested in it. The authors of the methodology are Annio […]
The Autonomous University of Barcelona hosts the Training of Trainers of CrAL project
The Autonomous University of Barcelona hosted the Training of Tutors of the #CrAL project on May 23, 24 and 25th. During these three days, the experts in audiovisual writing and reading Annio Gioacchino Stasi and Mery Tortolini trained 23 tutors from Italy, Spain, Belgium, Greece, Croatia and Lithuania. Paticipants of the ToT experienced the methodology of creative […]