The Digital Decade sets out goals for 2030: 80% of Europeans with basic digital skills + 20 million ICT specialists. The Communication ‘Digital Compass: The European Way for the Digital Decade’ set out digital ambitions for the next decade in the form of clear, concrete targets. The digital compass uses the 4 points of the compass to identify the main goals to reach over the next decade:
- a digitally skilled population and highly skilled digital professionals;
- secure and sustainable digital infrastructures;
- digital transformation of businesses;
- digitisation of public services.
The European Commission or National Governments will not be able to achieve this goal alone, the actions need to take place at all levels – in schools, at universities, at work, in offices, in libraries as well as international cooperation.
Supported by Erazmus+ funding CrAL project partners are ready to contribute to the first two Digital Decade goals enhancing critical thinking and media literacy among young people and educational staff implementing the Creative Audiovisual Labs and development of innovative methodology and online platform, blended training of educators and students. During the training of trainers session in Barcelona, 6 countries participants have already experienced the methodology of creative audio-visual writing and reading so that the training content localization process could be enriched with personal involvement of educators. We move forward towards next stage of the CrAL project involving more trainers to the innovative CrAL methodology.