CrAL multiplier event was organized in Lithuania

The 28th September 2022 was an important date for the CrAL project in Lithuania – the first multiplier event was organized by project partner association “Langas į ateitį“.

The main goals of the event were to gain support for the CrAL project from strategic players in non-formal education sector and to introduce the pilot trainings and possibilities to participate in them. 33 participants attended the event, and they were teachers of non-formal education who have the potential to participate in pilot trainings and adapt the methodology in their everyday activities, administrator staff of Lithuanian centre of non-formal youth education, who represent the organization involved in strategic planning and implementation of non-formal education in Lithuania, and other audience who are interested in CrAL project outcomes.

Multiplier event covered various project related topics:

  • introduction of CrAL project, its goals, methodology and outcomes, presentation of pilot trainings.
  • discussion with participants to get the understanding of their experience with audio and video creation, their expectations from the project.
  • more comprehensive introduction of project methodology, insights from project tutors.
  • even interactive quiz was organized for participants.

We are looking forward to next exciting phase of the projectthe pilot trainings, during which the teachers and students will be able to test the innovative CrAL methodology of audio and video creation.